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Main ingredients:

Tuckahoe, alisma, Chixiao bean, coix seed and so on

Mechanism of action:

The taste of poria is sweet and light, and its character is flat. It has the function of water infiltration, spleen and stomach benefit, peace of mind and concentration。Zexie: flat, taste cold, return to kidney, bladder meridian。Facilitating stool, clearing dampness-heat, phlegm, diarrhea, colic, beriberi, etc., all kinds of medicine ensemble, dehumidify and detumescence, eliminate dampness-heat in the body。

Applicable crowd:

Internal dampness-heat, limbs, body edema。(Abnormal liver and bile function, gynecological inflammation, reduced sexual function of men and women, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, hyperglycemia, fatty liver and other discomfort groups)

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